Invest in a distinctive brand

Invest in a distinctive brand, a successful franchise in your hands
There are many franchise opportunities out there but the key is always to choose the best one based on the investment ground it provides.
Here are the features of the GeoShield franchise program
· Continuous technical support
· Providing all products, equipment, center designs, the board, and everything the project needs to work in an integrated manner
· Providing programs and an electronic cutting device for thermal insulation film products and paint protection films
· Training the work team of technicians, supervisors, and salesmen and ensuring their readiness
· Training the project owner and enabling him with all the knowledge and plans in owning and managing a GeoShield franchise project
· Updating the skills and capabilities of the work team in the event of new products
· Continuous marketing support
· Conducting marketing campaigns that serve the brand according to a long-term plan according to market trends
· Conducting marketing campaigns specific to the center as support in a manner that is agreed upon in advance
· Providing support regarding the marketing campaigns carried out by the franchisee internally through correct guidance and correcting the path when needed
Here are the terms of the franchise contract
· Concluding a franchise contract for a period of 5 years
· Franchise fees of 50,000 riyals for each contract
· The center area is not less than 150 Meter
· Monitoring annual purchase quotas for each year during the contract period
Fixing and paying the opening order fees for goods and equipment, which amount to 50% of the annual purchase quota for the first year
Upon contracting, there is a 10% discount on the franchise fees
We are waiting for you at the Beban 24 Forum
📍Our location: Franchise Gate FR-15
Riyadh Exhibition and Conference Front
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia